Dan Wald Loves Kittens
Washington, DC--In a stunning break from neutrality, Dan Wald, who notoriously refused to take sides in the door-breaking fiasco, has come out publicly with a statement regarding his affection for baby cats:
"I can keep silent no more. I love kittens. They are so cute, that I cannot help but love them."
With that, three spectators' heads exploded because of the moral complexities with Mr. Wald taking sides on any issue. Mr. Wald refused to say if he liked or disliked anything else, by ominously replying to questions, "no comment."
"I can keep silent no more. I love kittens. They are so cute, that I cannot help but love them."
With that, three spectators' heads exploded because of the moral complexities with Mr. Wald taking sides on any issue. Mr. Wald refused to say if he liked or disliked anything else, by ominously replying to questions, "no comment."