Friday, March 31, 2006

Special #1: Waldisms

Waldisms involve Dan Wald at his quixotic best. When taling to Dan Wald, one must suspend all reason and logic. Only delay reaction will serve as your guide. A typical Waldism has Dan Wald saying something only to either openly have contradictory statements and/or circumstances easily at hand or has Dan Wald saying something that he knows cannot be true in any way but he believes is true without regard what he has said.


Dan Wald: I hate the smell of baby diapers.
Brad Clark: Then why did you get the baby-powder spray as the bathroom freshener?


Dan Wald: [prepares passover-kosher matzo ball soup, then places it in the refridgerator]
Brad Clark: why is the matzo ball soup in the fridge?
Dan Wald: oh, I'm letting the matzo balls rise.


Dan Wald Unveils New Era In Physics.

[Los Angeles, CA]

"I had like 8 cats spinning around me because I had this can of Whiskas in my hands and then all of a sudden it dawned on me: Fact: I'm Awesome. If you make that in math terms, you get F=IMA. I added to F=MA, bitches!" explained Dan Wald. Wald then proceeded to dance around shouting "F equals IMA. It's the fucking greatest man. It'll get you fucked up - it'll get you haters laid."

Spurred on by the incident, Wald launched a grass roots campaign to educate scientists about his discovery. "I started a Cafe Press store where you can buy a tshirt that says F=IMA," said Wald. Wald's trusty replacement from the future, RoboDS 3000 had taken up this cause as well stating that it was necessary to prevent the possible ice-age from lack of awesomeosity as well as, "In commutative land, AMI=F is you!" Local scientists are ecstatic about the new result saying it will usher in a new understanding of the world around us and may significantly impact the development of the grand unified theory, as represented by this random sampling of scientists comments:

Dr. Zvi Bern
I heard Wald once proved he was not a triangle. Since he has some street cred, I suppose he's probably on to something here. Physicists should probably examine how this could affect electron mobility in GHK fields. Well, that or get some sweet first edition tshirts to show we were on board from the start.

Dr. Walter Geckelman
Gravitons are the particles responsible for mediating the force of gravity. You can learn about them in your local library.

Dr. Rainer Wallny
So what's the big deal? Many people have known Newton's first law since eight grade (or earlier); and if prompted with the first few lines could probably recite the law word for word. And what is so terribly difficult about remembering that F = ma? It seems to be merely a simple algebraic statement for solving story problems. The big deal however is not the ability to recite the first law nor to use the second law to solve problems; but rather the ability to understand their meaning and to believe their implications. While most people know what Newton's laws say, many people do not know what they mean (or simply do not believe what they mean). The addition of the the ideal gas constant (8.314 34 J/K/mol.) does little to aid in the comprehension although it makes for an amusing mnemonic. I give Wald a B- for creativity.

Dr. Ian McLean
I am currently trapped in the land of trees and shadows. Please send help.

Dr. E. Dan
In math, typically 'i' denotes imaginary things, like imaginary numbers. I assume that Dan Wald's new equation is actually stating that his awesomeosity is made up. Really, sometimes I wonder why we have an Anti-DS group at all...Sabotaging him is like trying to decide whether You Got Served or Roll Bounce is a better movie.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Dan Wald Reappears in Book About Hemingway's Cats

[Los Angeles, CA]

While flipping through the pages in his local library, RoboDS 3000 unleashed a torrent of rainbows and amazement as Dan Wald crawled forth from the book it had just pulled off the shelf.

Dan Wald, having been trapped in an alternate ascii universe by the Anti-Dan supervillian group, was rescued by his would be replacement from the future. At the scene were Mr. Clark and Mr. Jurgens. "This wasn't really supposed to happen. Now we have two DS's to deal with," sighed Mr. Clark, "and where are we going to put all of their empty DMD cans?" Mr. Jurgens went on to explain what happened, "lately, RoboDS 3000 has gone from frog-on-a-rock-dumb to filty-ape-with-a-stick sentient, and he's started asking questions. After he saw some old newpaper clipping about a wrestling school, he won't shut up about the Waldemar Estate and what was their role in the Final Battle. So we did the most logical thing and told him to go visit our local library and not come back. Of course, the library closes at night and doesn't want him there, so they call us to come pick him up and what happens - rainbows everywhere and then Dan appears again. worst. library. ever."

Unwittingly, while searching for the Waldemar Estate's role in the Final Battle, RoboDS opened the book Hemingway's Cats: An Illustrated Biography in which Dan Wald had been trapped. "I'm back! like Payload," exclaimed Wald, who then proceeded to list names for cats he was soon to own. "Bonobo and Saffron are my favorite," announced Wald. RoboDS 3000 also agreed, saying, "cats are the tits in Vegas." Mr. Jurgens led both Walds out the door where the two continued their talk on cat names with Dan Wald saying, "Mushaboo was so cute. I can't wait to have him back" to which RoboDS 3000 commented, "In Vegas, Mushaboo tits is you!" Mr. Clark had no comment as he was busy trying to figure out how to get a large print version of the book into which he could stuff both Walds.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Anti-Dan Alliance Traps Dan Wald in Alternate Ascii Universe

Alternate Ascii Universe / Culver City, CA

Dan Wald remains in good humor despite being trapped in an alternate universe.

Late Tuesday night Dan Wald awoke to a startling revelation - his body was transformed into ascii characters. The only record of a similar circumstance was the boy who in the 1980s A-Ha music video was transformed into squiggly lines in an alternate world where he protected a similarly drawn girl from squiggly thugs. The band A-Ha, long since washed up as one-hit wonders, had no comment and even if they did, it would've been in German, which no one speaks.

A spokesperson from the Anti-Dan alliance claimed responsibility for the act. Notorious Anti-Dan activist Evil Dan identified himself as the purpetraitor stating, "It's been a while since DS got wrecked by anything other than work or lack of DMD. I figured this was easier than destroying the world's DMD supply, so off he goes to the land of his beloved emoticons. Doesn't it make you want to T_T." Other members of the Anti-Dan alliance, Nad, the new spokesman for Franzia, and Spot, the 7-UP mascot, were on hand to offer murmured "damn right" and "let him suck ascii cock" in the background as Evil Dan spoke.

Dan Wald is actively working on getting out however, "if I remember the movie Tron right, I just need to find some lite-bikes and keep racing. Or was that light-brites? I just gotta keep my head down and power through and I'll stop some evil corporate hackers trying break my firewall to uh .. get into my .. data or something." Upon finishing his statement Mr. Wald coughed and sent
,'/ //
/// // /)
/// // //|
/// // ///
/// // ///
(`: // ///
`;`: ///
/ /:`:/
/ / `'
/ /

flying from the alternate ascii universe. Scientists are currently working to verify whether Mr. Wald's statement had any relevance to his present plight.

Back at the Waldemar Estate, things have returned to normal. In a surprise turn of events, RoboDS 3000 returned carrying several cases of DMD. "It turns out that Albertson's was out, so RoboDS 3000 ended up walking around asking for DMD until someone showed him a store where he could get more," explained Mr. Clark. Mr. Clark and Mr. Jurgens are now taking turns dropping off RoboDS 3000 for work at Raytheon while Dan is absent. "Someone has to pay his share of the rent. Even though the robot can only says like 8 phrases, RoboDS 3000 apparently has enough skill to pass for Dan at work," stated Mr. Jurgens. "Plus, he makes karaoke hilarious. Picture him repeatedly singing to 'I'm back, like Payload to Parliment's 'We Got the Funk' and you have a good idea of why the future's awesomeosity is in good hands with us," added Mr. Clark.

Although Dan Wald's actual whereabouts are unknown, artists have been able to create a rendition of Mr. Wald in his current state:

KKWWGGGGjjttttffEEff:: ::::::::,,;;;;iiGGKK##WW####

Anti-Dan Alliance member Spot added to the description:
8===D ~~~* Dan Wald

Monday, March 27, 2006

Dan Wald Replaced by RoboDS 3000

Culver City, CA

Sometime in the past month Dan Wald disappeared; in his place stood a 2 ton likeness of himself sent back from the future.

At some point in the future, the real Dan Wald perished. Mankind suffered from a lack of awesomeosity and went into an ice-age. Only a few people maintained enough awesomeosity to survive these bleak times, with a survivor count estimated well below ten thousand people. To prevent this, the remaining survivors constructed as realistic a simulation of the avatar of awesomeosity, Dan Wald, as historical records could allow.

RoboDS 3000, designed out of the remnants of Waldemar Industries, utilized key known facts about Dan Wald:
  1. Dan Wald was dedicated
  2. Dan Wald was awesome
  3. Dan Wald was neutral

In addition, survived combed the historical records to add what they believed were historically accurate quoatations for the replica to say.
  • "I'm going back to work"
  • "Vegas is the tits"
  • "Rock out and be totally sweet"
  • "I need another DMD"
  • "He needs a hand bag with the following items in it..."
  • "I'm going to bed"
  • "I'm back. I'm like the sequel. I'm like Payload"

A third unpronounceable phrase ":E" was ofen repeated in many of the texts and the survivors instructed the robot to write that phrase as often as possible.

Back in the present, the replacement went largely unnoticed. "DMD consumption was up to 2 cases a day, but since he kept saying 'I'm going back to work,' I didn't think anything of it," explain current housemate David Jurgens. "Yeah," added Brad Clack, the other house mate, "nothing was out of the un-DS like. He would shout something about Vegas and then leave. The only thing that really stood out was the way he kept digging a big shelter in the backyard and storing thousands of diet mountain dews in it. I thought he was just trying to keep them cold or something."

In fact, RoboDS 3000 had been sent back not only to replace Dan Wald, but to ensure his survival. In the future, DMD quantities had dwindled to such small levels that many key members of society were no longer able to keep their lives perfect. By creating a hidden cache of DMD, the creators of RoboDS 3000 hoped would be enough to keep awesomeosity levels strong in the trying months to come.

Mr. Clark and Mr. Jurgens only became aware of the real situation by chance. In an act of desperation RoboDS 3000 consumed a 7-UP, when no DMD was available and faced with water as the only other alternative. The sugary, non-caffeinated drink counteracted the awesomeosity of DMD and caused RoboDS to go into catatonic shock. "He didn't move for 3 days," stated Mr. Jurgens, " we just thought he was on vacation. or telecommuting with his mind." "We ended up pouring DMD in his mouth to get him going again, and after he started moving again, he wanted more, but we didn't have any, so he left never to be seen again," explained Mr. Clark. The real Dan Wald was largely unaware of his replacement, as he was at work for most of the time.